Google Business Profiles for Real Estate – Session 8: Posts and Updates


Mastering Google Business: A Digital Strategy for Real Estate Success

In a digital age where sharing your expertise is as crucial as possessing it, Larry Hales’ recent tutorial on Google Business posts serves as a beacon for real estate professionals navigating the digital realm. In an engaging session, sparked by a gentle nudge from a viewer to finish his YouTube series, Larry demonstrates the power of Google Business posts for engaging potential clients at the pivotal moment of decision-making.

Larry emphasizes the strategic nature of these posts: they’re not just another social media update but a targeted approach to attract clients by showcasing expertise, listings, and market insights. With humor and clarity, he explains the importance of posting with purpose, using eye-catching images, concise descriptions (capped at 1500 characters), and a clear call to action to guide viewers to the next step.

Beyond just advice, Larry equips his audience with practical tools. He delves into the realm of AI and scheduling tools that allow for posts to be crafted and queued, ensuring a constant presence on Google Business. Moreover, he introduces AI-generated images, enabling users to create visually appealing content without the hassle of sourcing photos, showcasing the seamless integration of technology in marketing strategies.

Larry’s tutorial transcends mere instruction; it’s a call to action for real estate professionals to leverage digital tools to enhance visibility and engagement. His message is clear: in the digital marketplace, proactive and strategic use of Google Business posts can set you apart, turning your digital footprint into a magnet for potential clients.

About the Author

Larry Hales is a seasoned and multi-faceted technology professional. His passion all-things tech began with his first computer in 1984 and it has stayed with him ever since.  Larry is the CEO and Co-Founder of MarketingHero.   Previously, he served as the Marketing Technology Director at West, Williston Financial Group Company, where he coaches and guides Real Estate Agents on how to better leverage technology in their business. His 25 years of photography, design and printing, combined with his knowledge of digital advertising and brand building, gives him a unique perspective of marketing from different angles. When he isn’t busy being a proud computer geek, Larry enjoys trail running, hiking, mountaineering, rock and ice climbing, and anything else that gets him outside.

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